Saturday, July 21, 2012

There is no such thing as a DINO

Although I see the term used more by our Republican friends (via the RINO), I personally don’t believe there can be such a thing as a DINO.  DINO is the acronym for Democrat-in-name-only.  And why don’t I believe there cannot be such a thing?  I believe this because I don’t think there is any type of litmus test to determine if one is a Democrat or not. 

Democrats are truly a “big tent” party.   Democrats are not defined by people who all agree on issues A, B, and C.  Instead we are a coalition of people, some who are Democrats because of “A”, some who are Democrats because of “B”, and some who are Democrats because of “C”. 

While I am very progressive, I value what conservative Democrats bring to the table.  Maybe we don’t agree on issue “A”, but I bet we agree on issues “B” and “C”.   I refuse to let our disagreement on issue “A” be a detriment for working for what is best for our community, our state, and our nation.   

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Why I am Running for Midland Township Committeewoman

Midland Township, and its associated Democratic Club, used to be the largest in St Louis County.  Now, there are no meetings and no plans to revive the club.    What used to be a Democratic stronghold is now represented by a Republican State Senator as well as many conservatives on local boards (while the political demographics of the area have not changed). 
I am running for Democratic Committeewoman in Midland Township because we need a progressive revival in this area and I have the fire in my belly to make this happen.  We need a combination of twentieth and twenty-first century methods to reach out to voters.  We need to be knocking on doors and asking voters which issues are their top priorities.  We also need to use twenty-first century tools to maintain communication with voters in the area. 
We need an effort to recruit progressive candidates to city councils and school boards—a known stepping stone to the Missouri Legislature and the US Congress.  We need to create a stable of candidates, but also need to create a stable of committed political activists.  People who can volunteer on campaigns, can call and write their representatives, and—most importantly—can educate their family, friends, and neighbors about issues that are important to them. 
Midland Township has gone from being number one to virtually nothing happening.  I know that there are committed, active Democrats in this area who are looking for leadership.  I can be that leader.