Saturday, July 21, 2012

There is no such thing as a DINO

Although I see the term used more by our Republican friends (via the RINO), I personally don’t believe there can be such a thing as a DINO.  DINO is the acronym for Democrat-in-name-only.  And why don’t I believe there cannot be such a thing?  I believe this because I don’t think there is any type of litmus test to determine if one is a Democrat or not. 

Democrats are truly a “big tent” party.   Democrats are not defined by people who all agree on issues A, B, and C.  Instead we are a coalition of people, some who are Democrats because of “A”, some who are Democrats because of “B”, and some who are Democrats because of “C”. 

While I am very progressive, I value what conservative Democrats bring to the table.  Maybe we don’t agree on issue “A”, but I bet we agree on issues “B” and “C”.   I refuse to let our disagreement on issue “A” be a detriment for working for what is best for our community, our state, and our nation.